



So hopefully you all remember the donation we made to the KODA Camp fundraiser. If you didn’t see that post you can read about it here.

After a lot of weather and maintenance postponements, and rearranging of schedules we were finally able to take our lucky winners, and new friends, out on the water! Four parents and 4 kids…  oh, wait.. we should be including us in this count. The total was 6 adults and 5 kids!

The adults got their party on,  while kids clambered all over the boat! The little ones weren’t too keen on having to don the orange vests of safety, but were immediately pacified when offered the chance to “drive” the boat. The older kids did a lot of hanging out down in the cabin – why would they want to see a beautiful sunset on the water, and risk hanging out in close proximity to the *gasp*  OLDER folks!?

Honestly, we all had a marvelous time, and we can’t wait to do it again!

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