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    Choices and Decisions – Going Now?

     “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” ―    Roy Disney It’s important to remember that everyday we make choices that affect our lives, and the lives of others, because if you think your choice only affects yourself… well, then you have no idea how small and wondrous this world in which we live really is. How insignificant you are, and yet how powerful you really can be. The choices we make affect the way we are perceived – by others and by ourselves. Our decisions impact our lives and further form who we are.  Some we know will only affect the here and now. Others we are aware will…

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    Moons and Skulls

    Perhaps you are familiar with the phrase “Once in a Blue Moon.” We know that refers to something that happens infrequently, but how many people actually know the history of the statement? Well, if you are one who knows, pat yourself on the back and indulge yourself with a favorite libation. Go ahead.. it’s on me. If you do not know, then please allow me to enlighten you! This year – August of 2012 – we will have two full moons occurring in the same month. August 1st was the first one, and August 31 will be the second one – The Blue Moon, or maybe it’s the other way…